
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Would our White Congress Treat Trump Like they Did Obama?

Amidst the cries of voter's suppression in our just ended general and presidential elections, Donald Trump and his Republican cohorts emerged victorious.
No amount of cross country demonstrations will erase the fact, that Mr. Trump is now the president elect of this nation.
I have also seen a barrage of posts in which some have become soothsayers and astronomers over night. Whether or not you predicted that Mr. Trump would be elected President, does in no way make anyone smarter. I wish those same sand cutters can tell us how the next four years will be for our US nation and the world.
White people, at most many now should be jubilating for the return of white supremacy into the White House. The Nigger will be exiting soon.
I can't wait to see how our racist congress will treat one of their own white brothers. I will remain on the touch line to catalog every racial favor that will be extended to a white president, that was denied a black president.
Trump has been vocal on all American Presidents going back to Reagan. It's time to return those favors against the thin skin Trump.

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